Our Team

Sammy Nix

I'm the Queen Bee of this outfit. I play a perpetual victim to make people feel sorry for me and buy me things. I pretend to have Crohn's to get weed, and I moved my entire family across the country to be with my internet boyfriend. Now since I can't come up with my own ideas and have to copy people, and won't keep my mouth shut about other people, I got my dad to buy me and my family an RV and we parked it at this place called Rattle Snake Ranch. I homeschool my kids because we don't have an actual address.

Phillip Burelson

(Rick Grimes)

Hi! I used to call myself Thelo Green, and pretended to be him, because in reality, I'm a maintenance man. Oh, one time, I got hit by a car in my own apartment complex parking lot. I refused to call the cops because Down with the man! I also rage left the hospital because I have an opioid issue, and they wouldn't give me pain meds. I also wanted to call the cops when someone 400 miles away scared me.

Did I mention that I love QAnon?

Michael Babblecock



BuY ThE dOt cOm We CanGeT acCesS tO soMeThiNg tHatS nOt tHeRe..  EBiKE My EbIkE. PlEaSe DoNaTe To My Go FunD me So My CaT dOeSn'T sTarVe.

We here at LulzSec would like to thank the colorful people over at CrayolaSec.org and their Facebook page for providing the hours of laughs we've had following this. 


Also we have an honorable mention, Melissa Mottweiler Who decided that a convicted sex offender was more important than her kids.